
Baptism Requirements

Child: Infant - 6 years of age

Children who are seven (7) years old or older must go through the Religious Education Program before baptism.



·    Both Parents must request the Sacrament of Baptism for their child by signing the Baptism Request form. 


·    Parents must be practicing Catholics and commit themselves to teaching the faith to their child. They must present a copy of the child's legal Birth Certificate and a copy of Picture ID for each parent.


  ·   Anyone who is not a registered member of St. Dominic’s or lives outside our parish boundaries will need to present a "Sponsor Letter" from their respective parishes. This is a form letter that parishes have in which they will state that you are either a registered member or live within their boundaries and give you permission to baptize here. 


·  must be at least sixteen years old;

·  must be a practicing Catholic in good standing in the Catholic Church;

·  have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist;

·  if married, they must have been married in the Catholic Church by a Catholic priest;

·  may not be the child's parent;

·  must be able to produce a sponsor/godparent certificate from the church where they are registered and active giving them permission to serve as godparents if not registered members of St. Dominic.

·  only one male and one female may be chosen as godparents.


Important: Parents & Godparents must take the Pre-Baptismal class prior to baptism.


Communal Baptisms

       Celebrated every 2nd & 4th Sunday of each Month at 4:00 PM. 


(Except during lent). Baptisms must be scheduled two months in advance